Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Filling Up the Spaces

Even though I already know a lot of tricks in photoshop, its still not enough. There are a lot of still things I have to learn other than shortcuts and how to use different tools on my work. 

It's like entering a diner or a restaurant, I'm so eager to eat that I just missed a sign board on the front mentioning customer privileges or a discount on a certain condition whenever I order. And because of that, every time I enter, I'm unaware of the stuff I can lose or gain. And that is what it feels like after today's lesson in Principles of Design and Color Theory.

We discussed about setting up the preferences in Photoshop. (Ctrl+K)
In the General settings:
  • Image Interpolation: Bicubic Best
  • The checklist under the Options are self explanatory, it will depend on the person of what they think is convenient.
  • Enabling History Log encodes the History of events in the PSD file but makes the file size bigger.
  • The Interface settings is associated with the appearance of the UI.

In File Handling:
  • Its recommended that the lower cased file extensions are checked because its widely used, specially in web designing, because it doesn't support upper case letters.
  • Since PS CS4 doesn't have the autosave option, the user better remember to save every 10 minutes.

Under Performance tab:
  • Never go for 100% memory usage because it might crash the background programs, the recommendable is 80%-90%.
  • History States are the number of undos, while the Cache is the temporary level of data that can be preserved. Both of these are not recommended to but in the maximum numbers because it will cause the program to hang or crash.
  • The Scratch Disks are the partitions where you can lean the processing into, if you put the processing on a disk with no more space, photoshop will have a hard time processing your work compared to a disk/s that has a space.
  • GPU settings shows information what your video card is and if its capable of the 3d interface in the software.
Cursor preferences lets you choose what you want your cursor to look like while you work.
Transparency and Gamut is the appearance or color of the pattern of the empty background on a transparent image in photoshop. 
In Units and Rulers, a lot of people and even most printing companies use the English System of Measurement (e.g. inch, feet, yard). 
While the Guides, Grid & Slices deals with the color of what the name says.
  • To enable the Grids by going to the View Menu>Show>Grid. 
  • You can have guides or margins by alt+click+drag from the ruler either from the left side or top. 
  • While the Smart Guides is the line that appears if a certain object in the workspace are in line (e.g. center,top,bottom, side) with another object. It can also be found under View>Show.

Well I think that's all I can remember about what I've learned today. I'll get back to this whenever I need it.

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