Saturday, January 24, 2015

A Droplet of Art

We did some Refraction Photography and the set-up was pretty hard, first you have to find an object to be refracted, a good example is a flower, then it should be lit appropriately, then you set-up the one that does the refracting which is the water droplet or droplets, making them requires water and glycerin, a syringe and a steady hand, you have to perch them onto another object for example a stem, stick or even the spider web, and lastly, you have to find a good angle for the shot so that it would show what's being refracted.

The results are enchanting if of course was done right.

Here's an example we did in class which had a handkerchief as a background.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Flash of Colors

Some new equipment arrived at our University, tools for Videography and Photography, other than that our professor brought this what he calls "Gel" or Color Gels, not sure if that's really the spelling, its a bunch of transparent strips of plastic in different color, it had red, green, blue and yellow, its something that you put in front of the flash that if when the shot is taken, the color of the flash will be influenced by the Gel. It's adviced not to spam the flash or the Gel will melt into the glass of the flash or the plastic holder strapped onto the flash staining them with whatever the color. Anyway, the class activity we did included 3 different colored flashes, and of course with a trigger and a subject.

As the post processing activity, we did some masking on the images.